In brief I usually operate with a boom mic and have different ones appropriate to the location and situation. I also have up to 7 radio mics and a sound recorder with 8 channels. I can also plant mics when that is the best solution for a particular scene.
I am happy to operate on my own or with a sound assistant who will usually be the boom operator. I am also willing to be a sound assistant on bigger productions.
In more detail I own and can operate the following:
Sanken CS3e: professional grade shotgun
Sanken CSM1 supercardioid and
Audio Technica AT4053B hypercardioid for indoor dialogue
Audio Technica AT4040 large diaphragm mic for vocals and voice overs
Audio Technica AT2022 stereo mic for field recording
Rode NTG1
Radio mic systems
2 x Lectrosonics SMDB systems
5 x Sennheiser G3/4 systems
Rode Wireless Go
Sanken Cos11D and Sennheiser ME2 lavaliers
Sound recorders
Sound Devices 664
Sound Devices 633
Zoom F8
Zoom H6
Sony PCM A10
3 x Timecode Systems Ultra Sync One boxes
Other equipment
Rycote blimp and dead wombat
4m Ambient boom pole
Mic stand
2 x Sennheiser G4 IFB systems
3 x LD Systems IFB systems